// Select Mission Type
Briefing // How To Apply // T-Minus 3 Weeks // T-Minus 2 Weeks // T-Minus 1 Week // Mission Prep // Mission // Post-Mission
Overview of Teams

Volcano Team
Mission Directives
Monitoring Instruc.
Data Sheets
Report Forms
Shaded Relief Map
Hurricane Team
Mission Directives
Tracking Instruc.
Data Sheets
Report Forms
Hurricane Tracking Map
Evacuation Team
Mission Directives
Evacuation Instructions
Comm. Team
Mission Directives

Overview of Teams
Mission day is September 4, 1996
Montserrat is the world’s most dangerous place

For this mission, you will join one of four crisis management teams and use your science knowledge and math skills to avert possible disaster. Eight thousand residents’ lives are in the balance. Your volcano teams and hurricane teams will rally to analyze the data and determine the risks to the people of the island. Your recommendations will then be presented to the evacuation team, who will determine a plan of action for saving the islanders.

Hurricane Team

Downloads data on the hurricane location and intensity. Tracks path and speed and predicts the impact upon the island. Forwards predictions to the other teams.

Volcano Team

Downloads and analyzes seismic data from a satellite; make predictions of volcano activity and forwards to other teams.

Evacuation Team

Researches the island of Montserrat in preparation for the threatening volcano and hurricane. Determines what evacuation procedures to relay to the island via Communications and Mission Control.

Communications Team

Communicates all verbal and written communications between Mission Control and the other teams.

During the Mission

The mission begins when the space shuttle lifts off and the astronauts repair a satellite. This satellite immediately begins broadcasting data about the volcano and hurricane. Throughout the mission, the flight director at Challenger’s Mission Control is in live contact with your teams via video, audio, and a “chat window.” At the end of the mission, the flight director will conduct a post-mission briefing. The flight director reviews the event and gives your teams the opportunity to evaluate what you have learned