// Select Mission Type
Briefing // How To Apply // T-Minus 3 Weeks // T-Minus 2 Weeks // T-Minus 1 Week // Mission Prep // Mission // Post-Mission
Your Task

Earth Sys. Analysis
Post Mission Analysis
Team Evaluation

Your Task

Good work on e-Mission: Montserrat. You handled the emergencies very well. We went through some tense moments together. Now, we can use your expert help in creating a plan for local and regional action.

We would like to commission your teams to prepare a short and long-range impact statement . You might present your findings in a short pamphlet, a web page, or a presentation. We are very interested in your scientific conclusions.

To accomplish this, work as a team to investigate the changes in the Earth system science spheres on Montserrat. How was each sphere affected by the events during the e-Mission? How will these events affect the future of the island and its people?

After you have completed this assignment, constructively evaluate each other's contributions to the overall mission. You've done a good job and should be proud of what you have accomplished thus far! Thank you.

Summary of post-mission tasks:

  • Think in terms of your sphere. How was your sphere affected by the events during e-Mission: Montserrat?
  • Analyze the situation, then list the major effects the events will have upon the future of Montserrat and its people.
  • Present your findings in a brief impact report.
  • Complete a final evaluation of your team.