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Image of a futuristic plane flying over the surface of Mars towards the camera.
 Image that says Overview. Button that takes you to the Teacher's Toolkit Section. Button that takes you to the Student Materials Section. Button that takes you to the Mission Day Section.
M.A.R.S. Introduction
The Mission Scenario
Learning Objectives
NCTM Math Standards
Technology Requirements
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Learning Objectives

Students will be able to apply the following math skills for grades 6-9:

  1. Use computer-based geometric tools to draft shapes and calculate areas of potential base locations.

  2. Use proportions to determine which sites to include in the flight plan.

  3. Multiply decimal numbers and manipulate fractions.

  4. Read and interpret graphs.

  5. Use variables as representations of unknown quantities.

  6. Use logical reasoning to solve problems.

Download Microsoft Active Accessibility.
Animation showing all of the innovative programs for digital learning that the Center for Educational Technologies has developed. Some of them include: EVA Alert, M.A.R.S., and Target Moon. Button that takes you to the Classroom of the Future home page.  The caption reads: Developed by the NASA-Sponsored Classroom of the Future.
Image that shows the bottom border of the page.
Image of Live Simulation M.A.R.S. logo that takes you to the home page.