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 Teacher's Toolkit

Scope and Sequence
Lesson Plans

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Cool Ideas

Lesson Plan 1: Introduction to the Mission

This lesson will guide you in introducing your students to the FSI mission. You will use PowerPoint® as a tool to present the scenario to your students. By completing this activity, your students will learn about the context of the FSI mission and will be given an overview of the roles they will have on mission day.


35 minutes: Present Mission Briefing PowerPoint to students.


area: the number of square units needed to cover a closed figure.

combined area: the sum found from adding the areas of specific sides of a shape.

total surface area: the sum of the area of each side or surface of an object.

box-and-whiskers plot: a method of displaying data that is helpful in interpreting the distribution of the data on an interval scale.

central tendency: the degree of clustering of the values of a distribution of data, usually measured by arithmetic mean, median, or mode.

mean: the arithmetic average; the sum of all the scores divided by the number of the scores.

median: the middle of a set of data.

mode: the number or score that appears most often in a set of data.

quartile: a division or group of data that separates the data into equal parts.

lower quartile: the median of the lower part of the data.

upper quartile: the median of the upper part of data.

simulation: an imitation of a real event that allows participants to experience an activity in a safe environment.

volume: the amount of space an object occupies.


  • Mission Briefing PowerPoint

  • A laptop connected to a projector to display the PowerPoint

  • A screen for projecting the presentation

Teacher Preparation

  1. Read the Mission Scenario and Mission Briefing PowerPoint to become oriented with the FSI mission.

  2. Read and become familiar with the vocabulary section of this lesson.

  3. Set up a laptop, projector, and screen to present the PowerPoint.


  1. Introduce the vocabulary words to the students and discuss the meanings.

  2. Show the PowerPoint presentation to your students.

  3. Allow time for questions and discussion.

Discussion Tips
The main idea they should get from this lesson is that they are going to be part of a simulation that has a specific storyline. Discussion of the storyline will create the context for all of the facts and concepts to which they will be introduced.

Special Comments
This class is one of the most important in terms of student motivation. As the “movie director,” you set the scene, create the story, and help your “actors” prepare for their roles.

Animation showing all of the innovative programs for digital learning that the Center for Educational Technologies has developed. Some of them include: EVA Alert, M.A.R.S., and Target Moon. Button that takes you to the Classroom of the Future home page.  The caption reads: Developed by the NASA-Sponsored Classroom of the Future.
Image showing the bottom border of the page.
Image of Live Simulation F.S.I. - Tranquility Base Logo that takes you to the home page.