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What is a Live Simulation?
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What is a Live Simulation?

Advances in technology and connectivity allow our Wheeling Challenger Learning Center (CLC) to offer new programs that bring Challenger missions into your classroom. These programs - called "e-Missions" -use the Internet or other distance learning technology to create a live link between the students and our Flight Directors at "Mission Control." Before each live simulation Mission, students complete studies, hands-on activities, and practice that open doors into science and math discovery. On mission day, they form teams of "experts," examine real-time data, analyze it, and make their recommendations to Mission Control. Challenger's Flight Directors guide the students to a successful solution of each crisis situation.

During the e-Mission: Moon, Mars, and Beyond, students help rescue an exploration vessel in the outer solar system. The vessel has not been heard from in five days and they may be lost and experiencing communication problems. Students must decode messages that allow them to plot the course of the vessel and plan supplies for the vital rescue mission to bring the astronauts safely back to the Mars base.

With one Internet hook-up and five computers, this program can be conducted in classrooms everywhere across North America and the World. The number of missions available is unlimited. We can reach into every elementary, middle, and high school classroom.

Developed by the Challenger Learning Center at Wheeling Jesuit University, e-Missions offer teachers and students a chance to use their classroom technology in new ways. Science teachers, educational researchers, and subject matter experts designed the programs and teachers and students worldwide have participated in these live simulation learning experiences.

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The Challenger Learning Center’s innovative program for digital learning, the e-Mission™, provides teachers with curriculum aligned with state and national standards and a mission conducted via distance learning. e-Missions are designed around best practice models and principles derived from the latest educational research.

Privacy Statement and Copyright © 1997-2005 by Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA-sponsored Classroom of the Future. All rights reserved.

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