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Image of Mars, its two moons, and the mysterious face on Mars.
 Button that takes you to the Overview section.Button that takes you to the Teacher's Toolkit section.Button that takes you to the Student Materials section.Button that takes you to the Mission Day section.

Overview of Teams
Transmissions Specialist Navigation Specialist Cargo Specialist Communications Team Student’s Place
Transmissions Specialists

These specialists receive information from near their planet about where the lost ship has been each day. The information is encoded and they must decode it using:

  1. Words = Greek symbols
  2. Each letter = Circular symbols
  3. Words = Math equations [for example: (3 x 4) was (10 + 10)]

They then complete a problem-solving chart to track where the ship has been spotted each day Monday through Friday and help predict the location of the lost ship for rescue.

Transmissions Specialists Mission Day Materials

Image that takes you to Computer Associate's Website.

The Challenger Learning Center’s innovative program for digital learning, the e-Mission™, provides teachers with curriculum aligned with state and national standards and a mission conducted via distance learning. e-Missions are designed around best practice models and principles derived from the latest educational research.

Privacy Statement and Copyright © 1997-2005 by Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA-sponsored Classroom of the Future. All rights reserved.

Image of e-Mission: Moon, Mars, and Beyond Logo that takes you to the home page. Button that takes you to the Student's Place.