Overview of Teams

Congratulations! You have completed Mission Specialist training. Next you will need to be assigned to a team and begin practicing for mission day.


Storm Team
Like early-warning forecasters, the STORM Team monitors solar weather conditions and makes predictions. This team will report any unusual X-ray activity in space and will monitor the sun’s output of radioactive protons as reported by the GOES-8 satellite.

Radiation Team
The Radiation Team tracks radiation levels on board the space station. They will monitor the astronauts’ potential dose rates. and make recommendations to Mission Control regarding what steps the astronauts can take to protect themselves.

Life Support Team
The Life Support Team monitors the atmospheric pressure in the space station and tracks the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide. This team will use this information to predict dangerous atmospheric conditions. It will make recommendations regarding what steps should be taken by the astronauts in case of life-threatening changes in the atmosphere inside the space station.

Crisis Management Team
Just before mission day, several students will be chosen from among the three teams above to form the Crisis Management Team. It will be the responsibility of each member of this team to help their teammates analyze the situation on the space station as changes occur, formulate action plans, and report any changes.

Communications Team
Just before mission day, two or three students will be chosen from among the three data teams above to form the Communications Team. This team will gather all team reports and communicate pertinent results to Mission Control every 5 minutes. The Communications Team will also be responsible for making sure Mission Control receives the information it needs to assist the astronauts.