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Image of an astronaut capturing a satellite in space.
 Button that takes you to the Overview Section. Button that takes you to the Teacher's Toolkit Section. Button that takes you to the Student Materials Section. Image that says Mission Day.
 Mission Day
How to Set up the Classroom

What Happens During the Simulation

Mission Day Answer Key

Creating Graphing Poster

Communications Center

How to Set up the Classroom

We recommend that you run this simulation in a classroom where desktop or laptop computers can be rearranged to form teams. Students working on the same teams should be seated close to one another to make communication easier. In addition, all students should be able to observe the large projection screen in front of the class.

Image of recommend classroom setup. Please have someone help you with this page.

Set up a primary communication center at the front of the room. Adjust the microphone and camera so that the members of the communications team sitting there can be seen and heard, with everyone else in the room behind them from the camera’s point of view.

  • The life support team should have three computers, one dedicated to each astronaut. Pairs of students should be working at each computer, and each astronaut should have one cardio specialist and one respiration specialist monitoring his or her vital signs.  There should be no more than six students on the life support team.

  • The task control team should have at least one computer. There should be six students on this team, two students per astronaut.

  • The special operations team should have at least one computer. Any remaining students you have in your classroom should be assigned to this team. If you have additional computers available, create a ratio of at least one computer for every three students. 

  • The whole class should be able to see and hear mission control. Make sure the audio can be turned up loud. Make sure the video can be seen anywhere in the room.

Download Microsoft Active Accessibility.

Animation showing all of the innovative programs for digital learning that the Center for Educational Technologies has developed. Some of them include: EVA Alert, M.A.R.S., and Target Moon. Button that takes you to the Classroom of the Future home page.  The caption reads: Developed by the NASA-Sponsored Classroom of the Future TM.
Image that shows the bottom border of the page.

Image of Live Simulation Satellite Rescue Logo that takes you to the home page.