
Overview Lessons & Materials Pre Mission Prep. Mission Day Assessment Student Pages

Scope & Sequence

Interdisciplinary Approach

Unit : Pre-Mission Prep  

Lesson 15 : Pre-Mission Prep

Basic Readings

Mission Prep Materials for each student's team

Recommended Readings

Mission Prep Materials for each student's team

Homework Due

  • Turn in assessment materials: Team Evaluation & ERT Log


  • Pre-mission preparation for each team and classroom organization


  • 30 min. Students assign roles, work practice data
  • 10 min. Discussion of communication flow


  • Print out all materials from pre-Mission Prep section of website
  • Enough for one per student within teams
  • Print out enough report forms for the mission- each team in a different color


  • Vocabulary: Emergency response, communication flow, urgency, real-time data, download, report forms, graphic organizer


  • Students should be completely ready to begin the mission when they next walk into class.

Discussion Tips
Have students decide on a flow of communication within the classroom. Do report forms go to Evacuation first, then Comm? or Comm then Evacuation? Or two separate reports one to each team? Do we prioritize messages and how? Draw the flow on the board for ease of discussion.

Special Comments
Don't forget to give Volcano and Hurricane teams their own set of maps to work with. Students may want to develop their own "table tents" to let everyone in the room see which team is which. Students may want to develop "patches" for their sleeves (or use nametags with team name on it)

Students prepare for e-Mission: Montserrat. The emergency response teams are assigned to volcano, hurricane, communications, or evacuation teams. Classroom is prepared for mission day. The two people on the communications team assume leadership roles. Choose accordingly.

Have the teams discuss their tasks and assign roles to different students for e-Mission day. Make sure everyone has a task to do, a role to play. Students should practice with sample data until they are fluent enough to complete a report form every five minutes. If you have enough students, one on each team should be in charge of a graphic organizer. This would be updated every few minutes during the mission. All the teams in the room should be able to read and see the latest updates from each team.

Basic Homework


Recommended Homework

  • You may choose to have a "media" or "press" team who will develop a slide show and newspaper article from the experience. Use the slide show in a debriefing.

