Seasons FAQ's

Q: Is the pre-mission lesson plan necessary for the mission?


A: It is highly recommended that you conduct the pre-mission lesson plans so that students receive the most they can out of the e-lab, building upon their prior knowledge of the seasons. If the pre-lab lesson cannot be completed prior to the e-lab, at least vocabulary introduction to seasons should occur in class.



Q: If I have a class size of 32, can I still conduct a mission with all of my class involved?


A: Yes, the additional students could be distributed to teams; however if there are more than 35 students we would ask that you separate the students into two missions so that everyone can enjoy the full experience.



Q: Do all students require the printable materials for the e-Lab?


A: Yes. All students require the Seasons Lab Journal for the actual e-Lab.



Q: I have a computer lab; can all students use their own computers?


A:If possible, assign one computer per student so each student has access to the simulator during the video conference. Computers can be shared with pairs of students too, but they should trade off frequently so that students have equal access.



Please keep in mind all computers will require the latest version of Adobe Flash installed.

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