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West Virginia Science Standards

Content Standards and Objectives Policies

9th Grade

Standard: 1 Nature of Science

Students will:
•  demonstrate the ability to use the inquiry process to solve problems.
•  conduct and/or design investigations that incorporate the skills and attitudes and/or values of scientific inquiry (e.g., established research protocol, accurate record keeping, replication of results and peer review, objectivity, openness, skepticism, fairness, or creativity and logic).
•  use appropriate technology solutions within a problem solving setting to measure and collect data; interpret data; analyze and/or report data; interact with simulations; conduct research; and present and communicate conclusions.

Standard: 2 Content of Science

Students will:
• demonstrate knowledge understanding and applications of scientific facts, concepts, principles, theories, and models delineated in the objectives.

Standard: 3 Application of Science

Students will:
• demonstrate an understanding of personal and societal benefits of science, and an understanding of public policy decisions as related to health, population, resource and environmental issues.
• explore occupational opportunities in science, engineering and technology and evaluate the required academic preparation

10th Grade

Standard: 1 Nature of Science

Students will:
• demonstrate the ability to use the inquiry process to solve problems.
• use appropriate technology solutions within a problem solving setting to measure and collect data; interpret data; analyze and/or report data; interact with simulations; conduct research; and present and communicate conclusions.

Standard: 2 Content of Science

Students will:
• demonstrate knowledge, understanding and applications of scientific facts, concepts, principles, theories and models as delineated in the objectives.
• apply knowledge, understanding and skills of science subject matter/concepts to daily life experiences
• apply knowledge of cells to variations in cells, tissues, and organs of different organisms

• integrate the human body systems to the functioning of the entire organism

Standard: 3 Application of Science

Students will
• demonstrate an understanding of personal and societal benefits of science, and an understanding of public policy decisions as related to health, population, resource and environmental issues.

Grade 10 Biology-- Biology Content Standards and Objectives

Standard: 1 Nature of Science

Students will
• demonstrate the ability to use the inquiry process to solve problems
• use appropriate technology solutions within a problem solving setting to measure and collect data; interpret data; analyze and/or report data; interact with simulations; conduct research; and present and communicate conclusions.

Standard: 2 Content of Science

Students will
• apply knowledge, understanding and skills of science subject matter/concepts to daily life experiences
• outline mechanisms of homeostasis in living systems (negative and positive feedback).

Standard: 3 Application of Science

Students will
• demonstrate the ability to evaluate personal and societal benefits, the impact of different points of view, predict the long-term societal impact and an understanding of public policy decisions as related to health, population, resource and environmental issues.
• explore occupational opportunities in science, engineering and technology and evaluate the required academic preparation

Conceptual Biology Content Standards and Objectives

Standard: 1 Nature of Science

Students will
• demonstrate the ability to use the inquiry process to solve problems.
• use appropriate technology solutions within a problem solving setting to measure and collect data; interpret data; analyze and/or report data; interact with simulations; conduct research; and present and communicate conclusions

Standard: 2 Content of Science

Students will
• apply knowledge, understanding and skills of science subject matter/concepts to daily life experiences

Standard: 3 Application of Science

Students wil
• apply knowledge, understanding and skills of science subject matter/concepts to daily life experiences.
• explore occupational opportunities in science, engineering and technology and evaluate the required academic preparation

Human Anatomy and Physiology Content Standards and Objectives

Standard: 1 Nature of Science

Students will
• demonstrate the ability to use the inquiry process to solve problems.
• use appropriate technology solutions within a problem solving setting to measure
and collect data; interpret data; analyze and/or report data; interact with
simulations; conduct research; and present and communicate conclusions.

Standard: 2 Content of Science

Students will
• demonstrate knowledge, understanding and applications of scientific facts, concepts, principles, theories and models as delineated in the objectives.
• apply knowledge, understanding and skills of science subject matter/concepts to daily life experiences
• apply directional terminology (proximal, dorsal, medial, lateral, visceral, superficial, deep, etc.) to locate human body structures
• describe the organizational levels, interdependency and the interaction of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems
• categorize, by structure and function, the various types of human tissue (e.g., muscle, epithelial, connective, or nervous).
• relate the structure of the integumentary system to its function as a sensory organ, environmental barrier and temperature regulator
• relate how bone tissue is important to the development of the human skeleton.
• correlate the structure and function of the elements of the skeletal system (bone, articulations and insertions).
• integrate the skeletal, muscular and nervous systems to the functioning of the organism.
• classify the various types of neurons emphasizing the relationship of structure and function.
• compare and contrast the parts and functions of the central and peripheral nervous system including the autonomic portions.
• incorporate the role of endocrine glands and their hormones into the overall functions and dysfunctions of the body.
• analyze the role of components and processes of the digestive system in supplying essential nutrients.
• explain how structures of the respiratory system are essential to cellular respiration, gas exchange and communication.
• integrate the functions of the excretory system to the maintenance of the other body systems.
• research disease causative factors, symptoms, prevention and treatment.

Standard: 3 Application of Science

Students will
• demonstrate an understanding of personal and societal benefits of science, and an understanding of public policy decisions as related to health, population, resource and environmental issues.
• explore occupational opportunities in science, engineering and technology and evaluate the required academic preparation.

High School Health Content Standards and Objectives

Standard 1: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Students will:
• comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention.
• discriminate between the positive and potentially negative effects of local and global environmental health problems (e.g., pollution—air, land, water, noise, exposure to sun, pesticides, food production).
• analyze and interpret how public health and social policies, along with government regulations (e.g., local, state, federal, world health organizations), influence health promotion and disease prevention.
• differentiate between the causes of communicable and noncommunicable diseases.
• identify and apply skills to prevent communicable and noncommunicable diseases.

Standard 2: Health Information and Services

Students will:
• demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health-promoting products and services.

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