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Terms Related to the Skeletal System
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Terms Related to the Skeletal System

Ankylosis—stiffness of a joint caused by disease or surgery. 

Arthralgia—pain in one or more joints.

Arthritis—inflammation of joints due to infectious or metabolic causes.

Bursa—a small sac between a tendon and a bone.

Bursitis—inflammation of a bursa, as of the shoulder or elbow.

Chrondromalacia—abnormal softness of cartilage.

Colles fracture—a fracture at the distal end of the radius.

Fracture—a broken bone.

     Types of fractures:

Domminuted—a fracture that results in three or more bone fragments.
a broken bone that pierces through the skin.
a bone that is broken only on one side the bone; the break does not go all the through to the other side.
Pathological—the bone has been weakened or destroyed by disease so that it breaks easily.
Simple (or closed)—a broken bone that does not pierce the skin.
Stress—a hairline crack in a bone, sometimes not visible on an x-ray and caused by repeated injury or stress on the bone.
transverse—the fracture is at right angles to the long axis of the bone.

Hemarthrosis—bleeding (hemorrhage) into a joint.

Laminectomy—surgical removal of part of a vertebra.

Lumbago—acute or chronic pain caused by muscle strain in the lower back.

Rheumatoid arthritisa usually chronic disease that is considered an autoimmune disease and is marked by pain, stiffness, inflammation, swelling, and sometimes destruction of joints.

Orthopedics—the branch of medicine concerned with the correction or prevention of deformities, disorders, or injuries of the skeleton and associated structures (as tendons and ligaments).

Ostealgia—pain in a bone.

Osteoarthritis—arthritis typically occurring during middle or old age and marked by degenerating changes in the bone and cartilage of one or more joints;  marked by pain, swelling, and stiffness.

Osteochondritis—inflammation of bone and cartilage.

Osteogenesis imperfecta—an inherited condition of deformed and abnormally brittle bones.

Osteoma—a benign tumor of bone tissue.

Osteomalacia—a disease of adults that is characterized by softening of the bones and cartilage.

Osteomyelitis—an infectious and usually painful disease of bone often caused by a bacteria; may result in death of bone tissue.

Osteonecrosis—necrosis (death) of bone.

Avascular necrosis—necrosis of bone tissue due to restricted blood supply (possibly caused by injury or disease); marked by severe pain in the affected region and  a weakening of the bone that may flatten and collapse.  

Osteopathology—a study of the disease processes of bones.

Osteotomy—cutting into a bone.

Synovial membrane—the dense connective-tissue membrane that secretes synovial fluid and that lines the surfaces of joint capsules and bursa.

Synovectomy—surgical removal of the synovial membrane of a joint.

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