CyberSurgeons Live Mission
Terms Related to Blood
Terms Related to the Cardiovascular System
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Terms Related to the Cardiovascular System

Angiospasm—A sudden narrowing of a blood vessel that reduces blood flow

Arrhythmia—an alteration in rhythm of the heartbeat either in time or force

Arteriography—an x-ray procedure that shows arterial structure following injection of a dye.

Asystole—a condition of weakening of systole (the contraction of the heart by which the blood is onward)

Atrial fibrillation—very rapid uncoordinated contractions of the atria of the heart

Congestive heart failure—a type of heart disease in which the heart is unable to pump enough blood to maintain an adequate circulation to bodily tissues.  

Deep vein thrombosis—a potentially life-threatening condition marked by the formation of a thrombus within a deep vein; symptoms usually include swelling and pain, but the condition may be asymptomatic.  

Embolectomy—the surgical removal of an embolus

Embolus—an abnormal particle circulating in the blood

Endarterectomy—surgical removal of the inner layer of an artery; done when the artery is thickened or blocked

Hypertension—high blood pressure

Palpitation—an abnormally rapid beating of the heart when excited by violent exertion, strong emotion, or disease 

Percardiectomy—surgical removal of a portion of the pericardium 

Phlebitis—inflammation of a vein

Pulmonary embolism—embolism in a pulmonary artery or one of its branches that is produced most often from a blood clot originating in a vein of the leg or pelvis; symptoms include labored breathing, chest pain, fainting, rapid heart rate, cyanosis, shock, and sometimes death

Purpura—a hemorrhagic states marked by patches of purplish discoloration resulting from intrusion of blood into the skin and mucous membranes 

Septicemia—infection of the bloodstream by virulent pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi resulting in acute systemic illness

Sinus rhythm—the rhythm of the heart produced by impulses from the sinoatrial node 

Sphygmomanometer—an instrument that measure blood pressure

Thrombophlebitis—inflammation of a vein with formation of a thrombus 

Thrombus—a clot of blood that forms in a blood vessel and remains attached to its original place

Venography—x-ray procedure that shows detailed structures in a vein after injection of an dye-like substance 

Ventricular fibrillation—rapid uncoordinated fluttering contractions of the ventricles

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